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In the Soviet time, especially at the beginning of the 70th, housing and civilian construction in Kazan was developing intensively. The city began to grow quickly to the Southwest, thus close to the village Gorki there appeared a new district of Kazan.

Gorki is one of the few districts of the city, which was built on a free territory according to the united general plan. The construction of multistoried houses, modern schools and nursery schools, social buildings using the newest methods of building - all this made the district very interesting for sightseeing of Kazan by the tourists.

The streets of our district can tell much about the history of the country. On this site we introduce you with some of them, such as those, where our school is situated.

The address of our school is 71”A” Prospect Pobedy, which is one of the central streets of Gorki. Along with Prospect Pobedy there are streets named after those, who did very much during the war for our native country. We would like to tell you in detail about some streets and heroes, after whom they are named.

>> R. Zorge

>> Pr. Pobedy

>> Y. Fuchic

>> G. Safiullin

>> N. Garifyanov

>> M. Syrtlanova

>> Kul Gali

